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What a miracle is?
Basically, a miracle is an event that cannot be normally explained through the laws of nature. In the context of Christianity, miracles are the product and the work of God who created the natural laws as well as the universe.

Whether or not miracles can occur is the issue of a person’s presuppositions. If someone believes that there is no God and also believes in what is called naturalism (that all things in the universe are subject to natural physical laws), then miracles are defined out of existence. That is, the universe is defined in such a way as to make miracles impossible. Therefore, if someone says that miracles cannot happen, then it is most probable that he denies the existence of God and/or believe in naturalism along with its companion, evolution.

If someone believes that there was a God and that God is involved in the world, then it is easy to acknowledge that miracles can occur. If God created the universe as the Bible states, why can’t God also intervene in our world and perform miracles?
Take the resurrection of Jesus.

With an atheistic, naturalistic presupposition, the resurrection of Christ could not occur since people simply do not rise from the dead, no matter what is said.
Either the Bible is untrustworthy, the witnesses collaborated on a lie, Jesus never died, He only appeared dead, His body was stolen to make it look like He’d risen, or someone else died in His place.

Either way, the non-God, non-miraculous presupposition would not allow the skeptic to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, especially after three days of being in the tomb. It just could not have happened, no matter what. That’s why many atheists consider the Christians to be the ones who lack objectivity.

Miracles are extraordinary sensible effects wrought by God that surpass the power and order of created nature. Miracles are occurrences that can be brought about only by God’s direct causal activity and not by natural forces operative in created objects.
A miracle does not prove a law of nature to be false but simply indicates a cause beyond the natural causal powers of a thing is at work, and such causal power is divine.

Take example:
Water does not have power within its nature to allow a human being to walk on it. But Jesus (Yeshua), being Divine Essence, can give water such a property in a particular circumstance. Nothing is impossible for God. But yes, a lot of impossible things in human mind. Why? Simply, our rational mind make us to have lack of faith.

Since one’s experiential base is limited, it may very well be that miracles have occurred, simply not aware of it.

So, can miracles occur? Yes, miracles happen if we totally believe (have strong faith).
Once again, all depend on what we believe.

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