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Personality types | REEN CAPRIUS
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Personality types

A confident and you are your own.
You do your own thing and have complete confidence in everything you do. you have your self doubts, but you don’t let it cloud. Your judgment and logic.
You are well liked by almost everyone, and you just have an easy charm and swagger about your presence. other are drawn to your charisma and presence.
You enjoy being social and having lots of people around.
You are a natural leader.

A kind of shy and introverted and not very confident in yourself.
You are constantly plagued by insecurities and self-doubts and you can never commit to anything in the fear that you will fail in it.
You are somewhat liked by people but they tend to look at you rather condescendingly and people tend to friend-zone you.
You are nervous around other people and social situations because you’re always afraid that people are judging you. you are a born follower.

The polar opposite of the alpha, but in a good way.
Like the alpha, you are confident, intelligent and have a sense of charisma about you, but unlike the alpha, you are completely your own person.
You do not need anyone, and you can even be emotionally distant due to your complete self-possession. You trust few people and foster even fewer intimate relationships. omegas do not care for leadership by others as they are perfectly capable of leading themselves.

A good front of acting like an ‘alpha’ by conforming into whatever is admired by the masses.
You need a lot of assurance by society. Attention is more imperative for yourself-esteem. Without attention delta’s personality completely changes and their ‘true self’ is revealed, you are actually alike beta type, and can be called as ‘hidden beta’ in temporarily ‘alpha masked’.

A sort of the “invisible” one.
There is nothing really spectacular about you.
You are not a beta, but neither are you an alpha.
Your personality and presence usually blends in with the rest of the room and you’re just sort of…there. People like you just fine and you usually don’t have too much trouble with others, but all the same, there is nothing particularly memorable or remarkable about you.
You are not a born leader nor a inherent follower, although you can take on those tasks depending on the situation.

A manipulative mastermind.
You are a spider waiting to lay your trap. you possess a cunning, intuitive mind and can sway people to your will.
You don’t have the casual swagger of the alpha or the omega but you do have a clever presence about you and people tend to be both wary and respect you for that.
You can often be even more powerful than the alpha or the omega male in social situations due to your ability to persuade and manipulate them.
You are neither a follower or a leader but rather a wild card.

I have an acquaintance (a father in law of a friend), a male about 60s, married and has 3 grown up children and 2 grandchildren.

He likes to share his life stories with me. The more he shares, he makes me wonder, am I talking to an overly sensitive straight family man or a childish man who has never grown up?! Or maybe he is one example of submissive beta males?!
Whenever he told stories about how his late mother had treated him, he cried. Stories about how his family (wife & children) have been treating him, he cried. Every sad stories about him, he cried.

I asked him, “Who has made decision at home?” He said either his wife or his boys.
“Have you made any decision?” He said never. Geezuz!

I was testing him once to make a simple decision, he said no. Even he wanted me to make a decision for him.
I asked him, “are you afraid?” He said frankly “I just don’t want to make any mistakes.”
“So if I make the decision for you the it goes wrong, you won’t take any responsibility right?”
Shamelessly, he said yes. Good God!

His wife has been refused to talk with him for almost 15 years. His eldest son did slap him on his face and his middle son told him to go away from home and don’t come back again. And what was surprising me is,.. he told me his stories without even seem being feel humiliated at all. Or maybe he enjoyed being humiliated that way (??!)
I asked him, “Haven’t ever you felt humiliated at all?”
He just kept complaining and blaming on his wife, he said “It’s my wife’s fault for what my sons done to me.” (I was asking myself, How could it be? Their 2 sons are grown up men and have their own kid, it sounds ridiculous idiot if what they’ve done to their father because their mother asked them to do it).

I met his family few times. His wife, I found no indication that she is an alpha type (a kind of gamma type), I have intuition that his wife needs an alpha husband (a husband who leads), she married a beta male instead.
And this man has a strong indication that he needs an alpha woman as a wife who leads all the way, yet he married a gamma female instead (they married for about 36 or 37 years, and maybe his wife has been fed up to lead for 20 years and then chose her eldest son after he reached his 20s to lead the family and as a decision maker in family matters).

(It is said, one who’s afraid of making mistake is the one who doesn’t want to take any responsibility and is the one who will never grown up mentally and will act submissively).

5 indicators that one is a beta submissive:

1) When socializing and talking, he often talks in a way that puts other people down

2) Other don’t pay attention, and aren’t interested in listening to her/him

3) Avoid to make a decision, if forced to make a decision, seeks approval

4) The complainer

5) Keep forgetting daily important belongings, such key or wallet

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