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Mother and a Child

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The Babylonians, in their popular religion, supremely worshiped a Goddess Mother and a Child. And from Babylon, this worship of the Mother and a Child spread to the ends of the earth.

The great Babylonian goddess “Beltis, as the title of the female divinity, was equivalent to “Baalti,” which,
in English: “My Lady,”
in Latin: “Mea Domina,”
in Italia, is corrupted into the well known: “Madonna.”

In connection with this, the classical “Queen of Heaven,” which, in Greek, was Hera, also signified “The Lady”
and at Rome, title of Cybele/Rhea was Domina or “The Lady.”

In Egypt, the Mother and a Child were worshiped under the names of Isis and Horus/Ra.

Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshiped as the ideal mother, wife, the matron of nature and magic. She was the friend of sinners, slaves, artisans, the downtrodden.
Isis represents feminine attributes – intuition, psychic abilities, love, compassion, yin energies, mother nurturer, the high priestess, the metaphoric goddess in all creation myths. She is the essence of the feminine energy which is part of us all.

In India, even to this day, as Isi and Isvara. (Isvara is also husband of Isi as well as represents an infant in Isi’s arms).

The Norse Goddess is Frigga and her son, Balder.

In ancient Greece the Mother Goddess was Ceres, the Great Mother, with a child at her breast. Also as Fortuna and Jupiter and also Irene, the goddess of peace and with a child Plutus in her arms.

In Asian Minor (Asian Turkey, with neighboring Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria) as
Cybele and Deoius.

In China, Shing Moo, the Holy Mother or Queen of Heaven, being represented with a child in her arms.
In Fu-Kien province of China, Shing Moo is called as Ma Tsoopo (Ama Tzupah/Gazing Mother), and in Canton province as Kuan-Yin

In Catholicism all over the world, the symbol of Mother and a Child (Madonna and a Child) represents of
Mary and baby Jesus.


Personality types

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A confident and you are your own.
You do your own thing and have complete confidence in everything you do. you have your self doubts, but you don’t let it cloud. Your judgment and logic.
You are well liked by almost everyone, and you just have an easy charm and swagger about your presence. other are drawn to your charisma and presence.
You enjoy being social and having lots of people around.
You are a natural leader.

A kind of shy and introverted and not very confident in yourself.
You are constantly plagued by insecurities and self-doubts and you can never commit to anything in the fear that you will fail in it.
You are somewhat liked by people but they tend to look at you rather condescendingly and people tend to friend-zone you.
You are nervous around other people and social situations because you’re always afraid that people are judging you. you are a born follower.

The polar opposite of the alpha, but in a good way.
Like the alpha, you are confident, intelligent and have a sense of charisma about you, but unlike the alpha, you are completely your own person.
You do not need anyone, and you can even be emotionally distant due to your complete self-possession. You trust few people and foster even fewer intimate relationships. omegas do not care for leadership by others as they are perfectly capable of leading themselves.

A good front of acting like an ‘alpha’ by conforming into whatever is admired by the masses.
You need a lot of assurance by society. Attention is more imperative for yourself-esteem. Without attention delta’s personality completely changes and their ‘true self’ is revealed, you are actually alike beta type, and can be called as ‘hidden beta’ in temporarily ‘alpha masked’.

A sort of the “invisible” one.
There is nothing really spectacular about you.
You are not a beta, but neither are you an alpha.
Your personality and presence usually blends in with the rest of the room and you’re just sort of…there. People like you just fine and you usually don’t have too much trouble with others, but all the same, there is nothing particularly memorable or remarkable about you.
You are not a born leader nor a inherent follower, although you can take on those tasks depending on the situation.

A manipulative mastermind.
You are a spider waiting to lay your trap. you possess a cunning, intuitive mind and can sway people to your will.
You don’t have the casual swagger of the alpha or the omega but you do have a clever presence about you and people tend to be both wary and respect you for that.
You can often be even more powerful than the alpha or the omega male in social situations due to your ability to persuade and manipulate them.
You are neither a follower or a leader but rather a wild card.

I have an acquaintance (a father in law of a friend), a male about 60s, married and has 3 grown up children and 2 grandchildren.

He likes to share his life stories with me. The more he shares, he makes me wonder, am I talking to an overly sensitive straight family man or a childish man who has never grown up?! Or maybe he is one example of submissive beta males?!
Whenever he told stories about how his late mother had treated him, he cried. Stories about how his family (wife & children) have been treating him, he cried. Every sad stories about him, he cried.

I asked him, “Who has made decision at home?” He said either his wife or his boys.
“Have you made any decision?” He said never. Geezuz!

I was testing him once to make a simple decision, he said no. Even he wanted me to make a decision for him.
I asked him, “are you afraid?” He said frankly “I just don’t want to make any mistakes.”
“So if I make the decision for you the it goes wrong, you won’t take any responsibility right?”
Shamelessly, he said yes. Good God!

His wife has been refused to talk with him for almost 15 years. His eldest son did slap him on his face and his middle son told him to go away from home and don’t come back again. And what was surprising me is,.. he told me his stories without even seem being feel humiliated at all. Or maybe he enjoyed being humiliated that way (??!)
I asked him, “Haven’t ever you felt humiliated at all?”
He just kept complaining and blaming on his wife, he said “It’s my wife’s fault for what my sons done to me.” (I was asking myself, How could it be? Their 2 sons are grown up men and have their own kid, it sounds ridiculous idiot if what they’ve done to their father because their mother asked them to do it).

I met his family few times. His wife, I found no indication that she is an alpha type (a kind of gamma type), I have intuition that his wife needs an alpha husband (a husband who leads), she married a beta male instead.
And this man has a strong indication that he needs an alpha woman as a wife who leads all the way, yet he married a gamma female instead (they married for about 36 or 37 years, and maybe his wife has been fed up to lead for 20 years and then chose her eldest son after he reached his 20s to lead the family and as a decision maker in family matters).

(It is said, one who’s afraid of making mistake is the one who doesn’t want to take any responsibility and is the one who will never grown up mentally and will act submissively).

5 indicators that one is a beta submissive:

1) When socializing and talking, he often talks in a way that puts other people down

2) Other don’t pay attention, and aren’t interested in listening to her/him

3) Avoid to make a decision, if forced to make a decision, seeks approval

4) The complainer

5) Keep forgetting daily important belongings, such key or wallet

Me and Faith

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Me and my faith

Faith is my principle of life.

I read and heard some articles, news, stories, opinions, arguments of skepticism about Jesus (Yeshua ben Josef)

Some told Jesus didn’t die in crucifixion, so he was alive in the tomb and healed his wounds and after 3 days in the tomb he come out and pretend he raised from the death after 3 days.

Some said it wasn’t Jesus who had been crucified, but someone else replace Jesus and died in crucifixion. Whilst Jesus himself was alive and lived as a family man with beloved disciple, Mary Magdalene as a wife.

What else?

He was just some kind like a magician and had not making any miracles.

Jesus was not a Divine Essence, he was just an earthling like us with special talent in parables teaching.

The truth I don’t care about all those skepticism and it won’t effect my faith. It doesn’t mean I am being a fanatic one or I am being religious.

I’ve never had any hallucination thingies. I neither have experienced Jesus talks to me directly nor I have seen Jesus in real (in dream, yes). I’ve never talked in Spirit language, when I heard some people talked in what they said as Spirit language, I was asking myself, what are they talking about, it sounds like murmuring to me and I don’t understand at all. For my ears, that was murmuring of a human, either that one is kind of in a trance or just pretending, it’s not Spiritual language. If it was Divine Spiritual language, I am sure I will understand those murmurs’ mean.

Each one has own free will to believe or to disbelieve, God gives us our own free will.
It’s all about what we believe in truly faith. As Jesus said, “your faith shall save you, your faith shall heal you.”
And I believe in God, in Jesus as my redeemer and Holy Spirit, One Divine Essence with 3 functions.
As for me Jesus was the greatest philosopher on earth, taught us about forgiveness and compassion among humankind.

There will always be times that dark moment and trouble comes in our lives, no matter how strong our relationship with God has been, we’ll just want to run as far and as fast as we can.
But we can’t run forever. And when we stop running, we have to realize that, God has a purpose for our lives.

Lust or Love

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  • totally focused on a person’s looks and body
  • interested in having sex, but not in having conversations
  • would rather keep the relationship on a fantasy level, not discuss real feelings
  • want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast the next morning
  • lovers, but not friends.
  • want to spend quality time together other than sex
  • get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing
  • want to honestly listen to each other’s feelings, make each other happy
  • motivate each other to be a better person
  • want to get to meet her/his family and friends


    Watch for:

    1. A little voice in your gut says “danger” or “beware.”

    2. You have a sense of malaise, discomfort, or feeling drained after you’re together.

    3. Your attraction feels destructive or dark.

    4. You’re uncomfortable with how this person is treating you, but you’re afraid that if you mention it, you’ll push him or her away.



    Categories: uncommon
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    What a miracle is?
    Basically, a miracle is an event that cannot be normally explained through the laws of nature. In the context of Christianity, miracles are the product and the work of God who created the natural laws as well as the universe.

    Whether or not miracles can occur is the issue of a person’s presuppositions. If someone believes that there is no God and also believes in what is called naturalism (that all things in the universe are subject to natural physical laws), then miracles are defined out of existence. That is, the universe is defined in such a way as to make miracles impossible. Therefore, if someone says that miracles cannot happen, then it is most probable that he denies the existence of God and/or believe in naturalism along with its companion, evolution.

    If someone believes that there was a God and that God is involved in the world, then it is easy to acknowledge that miracles can occur. If God created the universe as the Bible states, why can’t God also intervene in our world and perform miracles?
    Take the resurrection of Jesus.

    With an atheistic, naturalistic presupposition, the resurrection of Christ could not occur since people simply do not rise from the dead, no matter what is said.
    Either the Bible is untrustworthy, the witnesses collaborated on a lie, Jesus never died, He only appeared dead, His body was stolen to make it look like He’d risen, or someone else died in His place.

    Either way, the non-God, non-miraculous presupposition would not allow the skeptic to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, especially after three days of being in the tomb. It just could not have happened, no matter what. That’s why many atheists consider the Christians to be the ones who lack objectivity.

    Miracles are extraordinary sensible effects wrought by God that surpass the power and order of created nature. Miracles are occurrences that can be brought about only by God’s direct causal activity and not by natural forces operative in created objects.
    A miracle does not prove a law of nature to be false but simply indicates a cause beyond the natural causal powers of a thing is at work, and such causal power is divine.

    Take example:
    Water does not have power within its nature to allow a human being to walk on it. But Jesus (Yeshua), being Divine Essence, can give water such a property in a particular circumstance. Nothing is impossible for God. But yes, a lot of impossible things in human mind. Why? Simply, our rational mind make us to have lack of faith.

    Since one’s experiential base is limited, it may very well be that miracles have occurred, simply not aware of it.

    So, can miracles occur? Yes, miracles happen if we totally believe (have strong faith).
    Once again, all depend on what we believe.


    Categories: uncommon
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    Stigmata (singular stigma) is a term used by members of the Christian faith to describe body marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, such as the hands, wrists, and feet.

    Stigmatics, who are typically devout Roman Catholics, do not see their affliction as a terrifying menace but instead as a miraculous blessing — a sign that they have been specially chosen by God to suffer the same wounds Son of God (Yeshua/Jesus) did.

    Some modern research has indicated stigmata are of hysterical origin, or linked to dissociative identity disorders, especially the link between dietary constriction by self-starvation, dissociative mental states and self-mutilation, in the context of a religious belief.
    Anorexia nervosa cases often display self-mutilation similar to stigmata as part of a ritualistic, obsessive–compulsive disorder.
    A relationship between starvation and self-mutilation has been reported amongst prisoners of war and during famines.

    Stigmata might first come to mind, but there are many terms for the spontaneous bleeding — psychogenic purpura, autoerythrocyte sensitization, Gardner-Diamond syndrome.
    It might be also caused by rare blood disorder (psychosomatic bleeding).

    Patients of ‘stigmata’ can have spontaneous bleeding into the skin that is controlled by the emotions. These people are not doing it on purpose and nobody understands how

    it works, but clearly blood vessels can be controlled by emotions.

    St. Francis of Assisi is the first recorded stigmatic in Christian history. In 1224, two years before his death.
    From the records of St. Francis’ physical ailments and symptoms, in 1935 that St. Francis had health problems, had quartan malaria.
    Quartan malaria infects the liver, spleen, and stomach, causing the victim intense pain.
    One complication of quartan malaria occasionally seen around Francis’ time is known as purpura, a purple hemorrhage of blood into the skin.
    Purpuras usually occur symmetrically, so each hand and foot would have been affected equally. If this were the case for St. Francis, he would have been afflicted by ecchymoses, an exceedingly large purpura. The purple spots of blood may have been punctured while in the wilderness and therefore appear as an open wound like that of Christ.

    People can keep of what they believe about stigmata. It’s all about what people believe with faith.

    As for me, I don’t care about stigmata, either it’s sign of Jesus’ crucifixion wounds or rare blood disorder or self mutilation.

    I just believe in God as the Greatest Creator and Jesus (Yeshua) as the Greatest Philosopher of Compassion and Forgiveness who against hypocrisy, as well as my redeemer. -The End –



    Categories: uncommon
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    Researchers and studies dismiss sixth sense

    The sixth sense is another term for extrasensory perception (ESP).
    Extrasensory perception (ESP) would involve the reception of information not gained through the recognized senses and not internally originated.
    According to the National Science Foundation, ESP is listed as *pseudoscience

    (*pseudo-science = false-science = scientific, but not in fact supported by reliable experimental evidence)

    Psychology researches found that there’s simply no such thing as a sixth sense.

    People could reliably detect a change in their surroundings, even if they could not accurately describe what that change was and this was not due to any kind of supernatural ability, but rather from cues picked up from more conventional senses such as sight.

    What some people believe as sixth sense, actually it’s an intuition or bit like an abstract painting – it doesn’t depict anything you can label, such as a sea or mountain, but you can still get a lot of information on what’s going on.

    Intuition is not something that only successful mediums and psychics have.
    We are all intuitive. It is very natural and in previous time humans depended on it on a day to day basis.
    Often, people find it very hard to trust their intuition. Yet, intuition never lets us down. Intuition is always right.
    The problem is that intuition very often comes in forms of symbols and it is our task to understand them properly.

    Seeing with our brains, not with our eyes.
    Many of our intuitions about how we perceive the world are flawed. What we see, hear, taste and feel reflects reality much less than we realize.

    Taking sight as an example, we simply cannot process information through our eyes fast enough to produce the complex, real time, 3-D images that we see in our minds eye. To help solve this, our brain fills in gaps by supplementing real time data with ‘archived’ information, and by being very selective about where we focus our visual attention.
    However, while we take short cuts with how we process individual senses, we also augment perception, often unconsciously, with data drawn from other senses.

    Well, Psychology supported by reliable experimental evidence, whilst Pseudoscience not. That’s why the sixth sense is nonsense in Psychology.

    Although my rational mind said, there’s no sixth sense, but yes I believe human brain has power to develop the common sense gets more sensitive, which I called it intuition.
    In my field of study, I’ve been learned that brain/mind power can make an imagination (unseen/unreal) at present time to something that can be seen/real in the future. (What I think, I become – What I feel, I attract – What I imagine, I create)

    The pineal gland is the part of the brain that empowers what is known as the “extra sense” and other paranormal abilities. It is also the center of bliss sensations.
    *René Descartes believed the pineal gland to be the “principal seat of the soul” (a mystical concept).

    The pineal gland continues to have an exalted status in the realms of pseudoscience, metaphysics and psychospirituality.

    Academic scientific researches considered the pineal gland as a neuroanatomical structure without special metaphysical qualities; science studied it as one endocrine gland among many.


    *was a French Academic, Philosopher, Scientist, Mathematician (1596–1650)
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